and one of my, one of my favorite ones involved bob barnett who he, when this week with david brinkley used to be on every sunday morning -- and can it struck me that williams and connolly represented the network that broadcast the show, abc -- they represented all of the talent that was on the show; george will, brinkley, cokie roberts, sam donaldson. most of the time they would also represent the talent that was on the show, james carville and mary madeleine, for example. and then to sort of cap it all off, they were at the attorneys for arkansas cher daniels midland for many be years. finish for many years. and part of which is retold in the movie, "the informant," with matt damon, aubrey daniels' role. anyway, as i looked at brendan sullivan's career over the entirety of his 35 years, i used to always say in my articles about him and when i was talking to people, i would say brendan sullivan has gone 35 years and has never had one client serve any time in jail which was pretty remarkable because by the time people got to him, they were usually pretty far up the creek. it wasn't lik