directors, bob beck will report on this item. >> thank you, directors. you have been our program management and consultant since 2004. we sought expertise in developing large-scale capital projects, as well as a wide range of technical expertise in transit infrastructure. and project management, construction management. and several smaller team member's proposed and selected as the preferred team and brought them forward for approval in 2004. we spoke with them during the implementation of the program, as well as document management and administrative support. there were ancillary projects of bus storage and bus ramp construction. we had a first three-year term that ran from 2004 until 2007 into 2008 for the first three years of the program. that was renewed in 2008, and it is here for renewal again. the rfp did provide for only two renewals, so this is a contract we will need to put back out in the future. term of one was initially authorized for $37 million and actual performance over term one, due to demands over those first three years, the total amo