bob is going to present on this item? >> director beck: our finance manager who joined us this year is on the line and has been big in our work so far in pulling this together. >> president tsen: i don't see her face but hoe low jamie, i'm glad you're working on this. >> looking forward to working with all of you. >> director beck: a refresher for members of the public and those family, 2021 was a transitional year for us in terms of our revenues and expenses and our year end close out process. historically, the tida has exceeded expenses and surplus revenues put into a reserve account. but eventually as development activity increased and our expenses exceeded revenues, funds were drawn from that reserve account to balance our revenues and expenses at year end close out. and then once that reserve account was exhausted, tida annually for revenues and expenses and fiscal year 19-20 was the first year in which it became necessary to invoice ticd. and they were invoiced for $5.3 million to balance last year's revenues and expenses and they p