. >> words of bob bruno a labor professor at the university of illinois, he calls america's job market bipolar. thanks for being with us. >> the my pleasure. >> you heard that story, this yuck woman has grawd from university, this woman's doing temp jocks and she's doing nannying and working in food service. that was always a precursor to getting something else. you're saying that's not necessarily the case. this poor woman may end up working in that for a long time. >> i think that's a great fear. there used to to be something full time and if you had that college degree it would unfold into a career with career ladders. but what we've seen not just in this last jobs report, is that people are cobbling together part time jobs. one, two, sometimes three and a good portion of these folks more than almost a third actually have college degrees and almost 40% have some college. so my great fear is this is becoming a kind of new normal, a hole in the labor market. >> tell me what the rich is to the fact that we had a recession, people lost their savings and so people stayed in the workforce