then i asked bob byrd, give us a little history -- a little history, not too long -- about our constitutional responsibility, and he did a marvelous job. and then we opened it up to discussion. people started talking back and forth. and finally, kennedy made some comments -- ted kennedy -- and then phil graham made some comments, from texas. now, they're the poles of the two parties, conservative republican, very liberal line of the democrats. and what it sounded like was they were saying the same thing. and i looked down at connie mack, my buddy, and he nodded. senator from florida. i said, that's it, we have the kennedy-graham solution. and so everybody was so excited, and we broke up the session, we had an agreement how to proceed. and tom said, i think we ought to go to tell the press we've reached this agreement. we were going down the hall, and i don't know which one that said it, the other one said exactly what did we agree to? and i think i probably said, i don't think i really know either, tom. [laughter] so why don't we get some key players and put them in a room and get them to wri