privatization also fails and that doesn't work so well either, and i love what bob cutner said, we need to pull back some of that that we privatized, we need to reanalyze that and limit the scope of markets. a point i want to make that hasn't been made is that markets are imbedded in the legal system and in society. they're not apart from. they're not separate from. no, they're very much a part of our society. individual preferences expressed in the marketplace are not exogenous to social and political contexts. other institutions play a large role in shaping those preferences, including families, schools, churches, the entertainment industry, mass media, advertising, in a very big way, and the marketplace itself shapes preferences. the public sector shapes preferences, and those are reflected in the marketplace. and the private sector, through lobbyists, legal maneuvering, shapes the legislation and discretionary exercises of public power. powerful economic actors in the marketplace can limit human freedom, individual rights, just as effectively as government can, if not moreso. that's