they hired bob derodes will oversee the minneapolis-based efforts to improve security. target is said to be the first major u.s. retailer to commit to the adoption of emv technology, a technology that visa and mastercard are pushing to be adopted by october of 2015. at that time liability for fraud made with card present transactions, meaning instore will fall to the link of the payment's chain with the weakers security. this is supposed to incent retailers who have been reluctant to spend money on the new terminals designed to incent them to get on board with the movement and avoid being saddled with the cost of thousands fraudulent transactions emv won't present all of this. the systems remain vulnerable in the digital shape. implementation of this security measure is spotty and will require wider adoption by retailers, processors to make client information more secure. >> that's very interesting, that after 2015, if falls to the weakest link in the security -- i can imagine the lawsuits, but i can also imagine how this is spurringing them to put in the terminals. >>