we have a distinguished bob einhorn in the room. bob was the architect of an important agreement with the north koreans on missiles that fell apart because the north koreans will not honor their obligations. we've tried quadrilateral talks, and certainly we've tried six-party talks. and i just heard my friend and former boss and predecessor, chris hill, give a talk on his new book out posts in which he described the efforts and the frustrations of reaching an agreement with the north koreans, only to see it unravel as they start negotiating again from scratch and consider commitments the way that famously battalions considered red lights, as merely a suggestion. -- italians considered. we are not giving up because our objective, and i venture, although diplomats aren't supposed to do this, to speak for the chinese, in saying this is a shared of jacket, is to find a peaceful path to halt, rollback, and ultimately eliminate north korea's nuclear, nuclear missile program and ambition. of course we want to do this peacefully. the fact is