their training exams, with some help from a deputy, who's also looking for a new job. 3 sheriff "bob gualtieri" used words like "appalled" and "heart-wrenching" when describing how he feels about this. he says this is a group of recruits that doesn't belong in law enforcement. 3 this all has to do with the recruits' exam phase. gaultieri says one recuit, "darold cook" decided to cheat. so he turned to a friend deputy "eric biddle". in a text exchange cook asked to quote get some of the study material". biddle responded by telling him he would get him the actual exam, but warned cook not to share it or show it to anyone because that would spark and internal affairs investigation. but cook passed the test around anyway. some turned him down, but six others took advantage. sheriff gualtieri got heated when 3 exams test potential deputies on the basics of law one of the trainers noticed the recruit's answers were almost *too perfect and seemed rehersed. so and investigation was started. we contacted biddle and cook, but haven't heard back. the sheriff says there's a chance everyone involved could