we have got bob hayden and mark western from poe. >> thank you. good morning. this resolution before you is for one of a number of grants that we have or are expecting to receive shortly, which altogether provide the funding for us to install the electric vehicle public charging that we had planned for the city as our first effort this year in making public charging available for residents throughout the city. one month ago i was before you when we had a resolution for a grant that allowed us to receive a number of electric vehicle charging equipment, charters themselves, as a result of getting several federal grants. this resolution before you today is for a grant from the bay area air quality management district that helps us install -- helps it so that we can install additional chargers for the remainder of the year. this grant is specifically to cover the cost of materials that are associated with putting those chargers in. pipes, conduit, wiring, a considerable amount. as i indicated, part of these chargers will be the ones that we received through the gra