. >> joining me now is bob herbert, former "new york times" columnist and distinguished senior fellow at dmos. msnbc contributor victoria defrancesca, and matt welch, editor-in-chief of "reason" magazine. thank you all for being here. >> thank you. >> great to be here. >> bob, trump to party leaders, you got to get used to it. do they? >> not necessarily. i mean, it's still trump is obviously way ahead in the polls of republican voters, but it's got to be tough for him to actually secure the nomination before the convention for two main reasons. one because there are so many candidates in the race, so the votes divided up among all the candidates and there's no indication that a bunch of them are going to drop out, and the second thing is the proportional voting in so many of these states, so that even if you win a primary in a certain state you don't get all the delegates from that state. so he may not have, you know, enough delegates going into the convention to have it wrapped up. >> matt, you're the editor-in-chief of "reason." we've been saying for six months he's going to fall,