but bob and jackie hicks were not. bob and jackie hicks and their neighbors, after getting this statement from the police, said, we better get busy. they sent the kids away. and anticipating violence that night, they had local men from the community come around. they were staged all around the house. when the fire bombers came later they were surprised, not just by jackie and bob hicks i'veg back on them -- actually got a photo of bob hicks after the event, in the book. surprised by also seven or eight men from the surrounding community who had positioned themselves around the house, and also fired back at the fire bombers. more detail. i can't be as colorful about it, describing it here. it in the book. there's also a wonderful book by hill, professor at l.s.u., fully chronicling it. event, bob and jackie hicks said, well, maybe we ought to get a little bit more organized. so it went from just this sort of organic response, neighbors to help neighbors, to a more organized and continue us effort. and by the end of the r