on election day, tattoo artist bob holmes of seabrook, new hampshire did something he had never done before in his 48 years. he voted. >> walked in there, was very awkward, i didn't know where to go, what to do, who to talk to. i obviously looked lost because somebody came over and talked to me, told me what line to get into. went behind the curtain and voted and took a picture on my phone and posted it on facebook that i voted for donald trump. >> how's it going? >> so far, so good. >> holmes earned some notoriety during the campaign by offering free tattoos of trump. >> trump wins 2016. >> trump wins 2016. >> so on election eve, he stayed up all night watching. >> this is us. this is our country. >> how do we explain how this is possible? >> i don't know that he really has a plan. >> i love the fact that the media and the anchors were freaking out and just couldn't take it. >> holmes says he had switched on fox news at 2:40 in the morning, when we made the call. >> donald trump will be the 45th president of the united states. >> i don't think i have been that excited since i was pr