. >> tomorrow, the managing editor bob husak then dig sherman take a look at the week ahead. they discuss martin luther king day recognized as a national data service. mark wolf talks about a low program. this is less of a glut a.m. eastern. >> british auditors have returned to the house of commons following their break. prime minister dan mccammon answers questions on rising transportation costs. you, mr. speaker, i'm sure the whole house will wish to join and painted it to the serviceman who have fallen in service our country since we last met for prime ministers questions i. captain tom jennings from the royal marines, squadron leader anthony downing from the royal air force, private john king from first battalion the yorkshire regiment, and riflemen from first battalion the royal rifles. who died after a long period in hospital where he was much loved by the staff who looked after him. they are asked any courage and selflessness will never be forgotten. they have given their lives serving our ountry a making our world more secure. and our thoughts should with their famili