bob iaccino at cme live. bob, let's begin with you? why such tentative movements back and forth? >> well i think, look, when we start talking about what happened in the market over this past week 1/2, it was a rough start to the week but i think people attributing this to ebola is probably a little bit of a stretch. i don't think anything going on in dallas specifically, look what is going on in africa, 30,000 some odd people infected by ebola. i think the u.s. has a little better controls. 30,000 people in the u.s. would be absolute tragedy. i would call that controlled when you talk about epidemics or pandemics. on 25th we saw a technical change in the market, september 25th. we got short the s&p and we got short the nasdaq. we reached our targets today. i covered those positions. we bought twitter around 50. we bought tesla and other momentum and tech stocks we think will rebound from here. david: certainly seems, brad, we were oversold in certain areas. i talked about airline stocks. i mentioned delta by the way. it was united that brought that ebola patient over. delta is a