it would be difficult, i'm sure, to be a liberal at bob jones university.t's very difficult today to be a conservative here, certainly the dartmouth review proved that at dartmouth how difficult they can be. so i'd love to hear thoughts from any of the three of you about ways to make contrarian thought more possible today. >> roger, do you want to tackle that? >> well, i mean, i think one thing is to subscribe to publications like "the american spectator." [laughter] and the new cry criterion and commentary and national review. you know, i can't remember what it costs to have a yearly subscription to "the american spectator," but it's $48 for the new cry tier yang. so from one point of view, a pretty good deal. you know, to some extent education is a recovery project, isn't it? i mean, we want to -- the past is sort of incog knee that for when you come here and you're 17 or 18 years old. and it would be nice to learn something about it, to learn what, you know, the best minds have thought about the most important questions like how should we live our life.