bob kahn conditions locals. got i got to try to write a feature which is just a small amount of the whole entry was what was going. on come down to little. known that a is is usually play a they will know this decision injections. the cold cold. we don't know. i signed willing willing saying things [inaudible] we i which you say [inaudible] and i the demand on one and that. when i when i greg broke out between? rival because it had a head on amendment that you like this is he ready. to lead to death. senseless within the country in nineteen ninety such as a single year old body all these subscribe russell. straight rations exactly how young. for and and you can. still down this is. easy not laugh heats from ronald. from what we can we have gathered along with. a little meeting one of the forty four hundred and it was it was as if you are a the north northwest of when would you. a man dead going right rice crew. police he social smiling. and can gave the bottle at me. like i had a had been hard hearted and escape