but bob kuttner said that austerity is like prison his new book. "debtors prison: the politics of austeritversus posibility." and he wants to cut. so bob i start with you, we haves there are assistant s there are the national debt. as we age, t baby boomers, are you saying we don't need to cut? >> this is a question about deficits in the context of a depressed economy. time to cut dicits is when the economy is in recovery as bill clinton did in 1990ss clinton got economy to surplus in context of high growth, you have a soft economy, that is a time to have defkit sit spending becae you need stimulus. john: mark, respond? >> what we're suffering from today is imprudent fiscal policy, what the government is doing with their irresponsible welfare payments with interfering with business and so forth. is keeping the private sector, which is the majority stakeholder that should be the focus here, with employment and so forth, they are the key. we have to really encourage. john: what abou don'to poi -- bo point? >> tre are many examples in private sector wh