let's bring in bob kuzak.efore the break, we showed the president in the o'reilly interview, basically saying it was just some bone headed decisions by a couple of bureaucrats in the senate office a. since the president made that claim, the ways and means committee has released e-mails including one from lois learner in which she calls, quote, the tea party matter very dangerous cincinnati should probably not have these cases and we know that it was then sent to washington. dealt with by five deputies and associate chief councils. doesn't that utterly undermine the president's claim? >> there is no doubt about it that the tone that the president took in the o'reilly interview, vastly different than last year when this came to light nearly a year ago, when he said this was inexcusable, was outrageous and they were going to get to the bottom of it. and clearly washington was involved was obama asked for the irs head to step down. it's been almost a year and there's been no indictments and i think the president c