if i love bob marley, i feel like a connection to his music, i feel like i understand, even if i don't read about steve jobs, all i know is the dude thought ten steps ahead of everyone else. i don't really understand how he got there, right, nor can we replicate it. how do you, when you're looking at these kind of thinkers, how do you get us closer to their thought process in our lives? what is your thought process? >> well, what i try to do is, first of all, picture them when they were young, before they wore the mantle of greatness. and when they were trying to figure things out, when they were perplexed and troubled by what they saw, and kind of see them learning, because that's, of course, the first step to having ideas, is asking questions. >> chrystia? >> yeah, my question is actually related to what chrystia was saying about who's the next game changer in economics, which is, what direction is economics headed in? because the classical economics makes a lot of assumptions, it assumes people are wholly rational, we have perfect thinking. and what i have been seeing is a strain of