[dramatic music] ♪ ♪ in august 2024, senator bob menendez, democrat of new jersey, resigned after he convicted of 16 counts in a corruption case. he was later sentenced to 11 years in prison. also that same month, congressman george santos, republican of new york, admitted to filing fraudulent fec reports, embezzling funds from campaign donors, stealing identities, obtaining unemployment benefits through fraud, and on and on. with each scandal, our distrust in government deepens. but believe it or not, there was a time when skepticism of our government ran even deeper than it does today. back in the late 1970s and early '80s, fresh off watergate, trust in government officials was at an all-time low. - people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. well, i'm not a crook. - the operation totally fell off the cliff when americans found out the fbi had conducted a sting operation on the nation's politicians that worked way too well. - there is a new word in the american political vocabulary this morning. the word is "abscam." - eight members of congress are involved.