king, but also bob moses, the main organizers from snick. so here i am, i'm a snick person but i'm giving a talk now as the editor of martin luther king's papers. so i gave this talk and the conclusion of it was that the movement would have happened even if martin luther king had not been born. and i firmly believe that. i looked out and here's coretta scott king and she's kind of frowning. and i'm thinking maybe i'm not going to be lasting long in this job. but what that did is it forced me to also rethink my own attitudes. because every time i applied for a grant to do the king papers, i had to say why is this important? why is it important? if the movement would have happened even if king had never been born, why is it important? what did king provide to the movement? one way of understanding the last 30 years of my life is answering that question. i have to answer that question every day, every year. each year, i hope my answer becomes more sophisticated, that i understand that there was something essential. and what i think was essentia