ella baker, bob moses. you wrote about it from the bottom up. the energy and the standing and power of the movement is in that broad section of the population that basically like rosa parks said about her actions that december evening, i had enough. that becomes a sustaining way that you keep the movement immobilized it and it sustains itself. to some great degree. and it's not. >> so is not so much about him being held, it's about being recognized. recognized in a way that future movements could learn from those experiences. one of the motivations for writing the book were that i thought african-american history for more years than i like to admit. and over the side it's shifted from students who basically grew up during the movement to those of course no ancient history and comments from them what we need is another martin luther king. that's exactly the wrong message. all due respect to martin luther king and many of the other leaders, they were very important but that the movement made them, not the other way around. so one needs to recogniz