todd cooper remembers being in the judge's chambers one day when bob motta started shouting at prosecutorsppeared by telephone, and he was shouting, screaming. the judge started pounding on the handset yelling, "shut up. shut up," into the -- into the microphone. i mean, that -- that's a pretrial hearing. >> i mean, we were seen as the chicago lawyers who came in, stormed in and, you know, outlaws. you know, they didn't like us at all. >> might it be easier to just list the people in omaha that you did not offend? >> you know, feelings -- when it comes to a death penalty case -- just don't come into play at all. you know, i mean, any lawyer that says they're worried about hurting people's feelings when another human being's life is at stake, again, they should probably get out of the business. >> reporter: in the beginning, the mottas say anthony garcia was actively involved in his own defense. they say that changed over time as court delays stretched his time in pretrial isolation from months to years. garcia lost a lot of weight and bob motta says his client's mental health deteriorated.