this is bob myers, senator bob myers. he jogs five miles everyday, 10 on sunday. - after church of course. - isn't that fascinating? a religious health-nut. (laughter) - [bob] doctor. - [arthur] senator. k you misses harmon. - maybe you're right arthur, maybe they do make out. (laughter) - hey senator, what are all those funny xs on top of your head? - oh, i'm glad you asked-- - oh arthur, those aren't xs, those are hair. those are hair transplants that the senator has had sewn to his scalp, at great personal pain to him. - for the old charisma you know? - as if he needed it. a man in his physical condition. never, ever coughed in his entire life. - [vivian] really? - except of course during his annual physical check-ups. (laughter) - hey senator, how much did those transplants run you in washington? i'll bet those d.c. bandits charged you $50 a follicle! (laughter) - (laughs) oh, senator pay no attention to my twitty old husband. (laughter) pussycat, don't you think you better watch your drinking? - yeah i better, i just