bob ney scuse me bob ney thinks it is a great idea so we do a press conference and all these crist people from around the world including russia they sent people they are and to take these pictures of native walter jones in freedom for us and because he made sure that all of the fries in the congressional restaurants of cafeterias in the office buildings then say french fries anymore for a period of time they will call freedom for i think back to french fries now oh yeah that's on of the french. this really had nothing to do with the france and their position but really this young man it could be down in beaufort north carolina he's the one that pushed it in just felt like that i wouldn't put a billion i wouldn't try to make an issue out of it but my chief of staff they would just write bob ney here just for the trash can well it didn't happen but lot of people took this to mean from coming from you that you were the lead champion the cheerleader for the war in iraq do you think it was that part of this no not really because the day i walked to the floor is actually a night to vote on giv