corporations that we're talking about we're talking about corporations that created the nucular bob p.c.p's dioxins d.d.t. agent orange and many of the top 12 percent that are going to pollutants that destroy our world. rachel carson said it in a book silent spring but how it said it in his book agriculture testament that industry that had gotten used to making chemicals the wall they got so addicted to profits that they then retooled and redesign agriculture to make it dependent on these chemical. a neo nicotine oid is a neurotoxin for an insect so when an insect ingest noid it actually disrupts the nervous system of that insect so no it is an insecticide which is used to kill an insect in a recent set of publications which are nearly over 800 papers they've shown that nicotine oids are actually showing up in the pollen of wild flowers which are then being consumed by b s so the son. is fond of the design of the use of only says. what's different about noids is that they're present all the time this seeds were coated with the new year new it's noise and then the seed was planted the new