. >> i am bob plant-holtz. i can to express concern about this item. i do not think all the details were made clear and specific. i suggest this process is not fair the way it is drawn up. it is my understanding that may be 30% of the operators, and maybe some other employees, either start their work shipped before transit starts or and the shift after transit and. there is no way they can get to or from their work site except by driving, whether or not they live in san francisco. a substantial percentage of the employees have to drive. it seems unfair to charge them, when they do not have an option beyond that. from all the riding i do on transit, i have some operators say, "so and so is going to take my shift tomorrow." if you give passes to those who have an unusual work shift, what do you do when people switch shifts? there are a lot of details that make this hard to simply require everybody to pay. it is not a 9 to 5 job. it is a 24 hour cycle of work. in these situations, how can you charge some and not others? how can you charge all, when some h