. >> could i ask if bob plantol could be the next speaker. >> and chair campos just alerted me that there is a lot more people, wanting to come into the room and, there is an overflow room in the north light court if the people want to view the proceedings of this committee hearing. >> i am bob planthold and i am going to reference the two letters from the council that i gave to the clerk and to you folks, what is being ignored in the comments from the cpc staff and hers even the questions for you folks rks and there is a major disability that shows cpuc is not responsive to the ada and the july 2013 letter to cpuc indicated, that to use these tnc services you need a smart phone. and i am sorry that is right away, duh. that is an economic disparity issue that is separate from what has been reported that they don't have to have wheelchair accessible avehicles, i am suggesting that you folks ought to not think about modifying, adopting and working for the seattle model, instead your plausable basis to file a department of justice complaint against the cpuc for violating the ada, they talk a