bob reischauer, i'm going to ask you to kick this off. >> thank you very much, judy. i think of some of you know i spent most of my career analyzing federal budget policy and entitlements like social security. so you might wonder what i'm doing sitting up here among child policy experts rather than sitting down where i should be, among you learning. well, the answer to that question is that about a month and half ago olivia came into my office and said that she thought the institute should sponsor a focus on a question, you know, what's happening to children as a national priority as we grapple with current fiscal problems, both short run, economic weakness, and the long run, fiscal sustainability. i thought this was really a great opportunity, and i told her that when people asked me the question of what's the biggest challenge facing this nation, rather than saying something about taxes or budgets or health care, i always say really i think it's making sure the children of today will be the productive citizens and workers of tomorrow. so i jumped at the chance to pa