bob schumacher, if you are still imagining you are bob schumacher, that meant that you were in prison for eight years. eight years you didn't know if you are going to get home ever , but you made it through that and you were there with a bunch of other guys in 1965. these guys who you are with were state wrestling champions. the air force guys will appreciate one of the guys was a former air force thunderbird pilot. they were fathers, they were husbands, they were sons and they all ended up in the prison. wherever anyone was shot down, they would take him to hanoi and some of the pows here can tell you it wasn't a very pleasant journey. they all came together in a prison that was built in 1800's by the french. the french have been in north vietnam for decades and the country was basically a colony. so for decades this prison held vietnamese captives, and the p.o.w.s said when he came in to that prison you could almost hear the screams and the agony of 70 years of prisoners. so very quickly these guys realized the north vietnamese were trying to isolate them because from their own , ex