this is bob shoemaker on february 11, two days later. being captured by the north vietnamese in a flooded field somewhere in north vietnam. in 15 seconds bob shoemaker went from being in complete control of his world and completely sure that nobody in the entire country of north vietnam could shoot him down. there was no way. that is what happened. he gets hit. he was trying to say me day and the recently got out the syllable may and realized if he didn't punch out he never would have finished the medication. he ejected under 1000 feet and his shoot opened at 35 feet maybe 50 feet and in training he learned to do multipoint landing so you disburse the impact of the landing several different body parts and you roll. he said he basically did a one-point landing right on his rear end and he fractured his back and there he was in north vietnam without his aircraft, without his weapons, without his squadron without his aircraft carrier without all those things that made him the world's best fighter pilot. so he is sitting there thinking about