. >> one of the most important 9s works is byhe bob starr. "thevents the term -- protected public." those who don't want anything to change. hy this may not play out is because it is not any one thing but a set of layers. if you are covered under your employer you continue and -- you have another set of consumers with different interests. so you cannot imagine a uniformed population because the affordable care act is many different things. >> the 49% won't rise up. you think of them as the people who don't pay income tax, a lot of them don't realize they are part of the group. the tea party, is it in their economic interest to support the republican party? greedy. your own pocketbook. if middle class americans -- looked at this they'd steer clear of the republicans, but they don't. they still elect them a super- majority. as obama is elected, tennesse has a supermajority. the democrats don't have to show up. if they walk out, it doesn't matter. the republicans can do state business. surprising. >> are you more optimistic looking at vermont? >> that question -- by oliver fine. from t