i want to bring in technology writer bob sullivan, as well, as retail expert and reporter, bob, to you first. as luke was saying, we expect to hear arguments that pit banks against retailers. who is more responsible for protecting our identity of those two groups? >> well, to be blunt with you, i think the banks. they have more data and insight into what's happening to our data. i feel bad for target in this case because they were the first one, largest one, but we know now there's maybe two dozen companies wrapped up in this and they are getting all the blame when it's quite clear everybody involved in the payment exchange deserves blame. >> sounds like this could grow and grow, bob was eluding to the 20-plus groups that are being looked into that may have had their systems violated here, and compromised. retailers here, you know, widely exposed, perhaps concerned here. they depend on these banks to lead them, to give them solutions. can they do more? >> they can absolutely do more, and the problem, what it boils down to, is money, richard. it's going to cost target, if they implement