marriage vow" put out by the iowa conservative christian group, the family leader and it's head, bob vander plaatz 14-point pledge candidates have to first vow "personal fidelity to my spouse." it's essential for candidates to swear to that one. cuz that vow they said at their wedding (bleep). this is something binding -- a pdf sent to you by some guy named vander plaatz. [ applause ] the rest of the pledge defends marriage by vowing "vigorous opposition to intimate unions which are bigamous, polygamous, polyandrous, same sex, etc." [laughter] that et cetera is an essential catch-all, because there's a lot of freaky stuff goin' on in iowa. [laughter] okay? man on corn, corn on man, corn on cob, butter on corn on cob on man. but i know what you're thinking, "stephen, that sounds delicious, [laughter] but i thought you said this pledge had something controversial in it." well, it does. in the preamble to the pledge. here on the first page. >> it says that slavery had a disastrous impact on african-american families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his moth