bob woodson. we've been down and saw firsthand what people getting in the trenches and going out and helping people. not just talking policy. not just saying big things and nice things, but going out and ministering to people and helping them to improve their lives. and jennifer marshall, of course, has been tremendous. she organized the whole trip and has done so much research in this area. let me say it this way. if you're going to stop poverty in the broad sense, and i'm going to talk briefly and we'll get to the panelists. if you're going to prevent poverty, three things you need. work, strong families and free markets. i mean, it's really that simple. focus on work. focus on marriage and family. focus on free markets and let's be honest, this administration is not doing good in any of those three areas. and that's why we need to change and that's why we need to highlight this, and that's really what our bill is all about. and i want to spend my few minutes talking mostly about the first thing