watergate 679 it was a time when, if you have seen all the president's men, you know the seen are bob and woodward and bernstein see ben in his house and comes out in his bathroom because is he afraid his house is bugged and the phone is bugged and they're being followed. so there was just no way. but i told one of nie friends at the paper that i was in love with ben. and i just thought i had to hell him. and he said you can't do that because if he responds to you, you know, you could destroy the paper and you could destroy the country because you know he would be black mailed. and it would be a disaster. and he said you've got to put your country first. and i know it sounds corny, charlie, but i was an army brat. you know, buttsy, honor, country. and i thought oh my god, have i to put my country first. so i just laid off and then i got a job on the cbs morning news, the same job you now have, yes. and i was the first net work anchor woman in america. and i took the job. and just i because i had to get away from ben. and i knew he was married, you know. i came back and said would you take me to lu