i would like to turn you, bob zoellick, on this. the issues christine has raised is very much in your area of the world bank. you have written a bit on the reform. you might want to comment on that but clearly agriculture projects and the whole issue of commodity prices and agricultural prices, act -- agricultural supply and food, general. a very big global issue. we don't have -- we'll have representatives on the countries most affected. what is your view, what is feasible for the g-20 did you are what should a duplex what what are the priorities and how would you comment on the agenda that christine lagarde has laid out. >> first, i compliment president sarkozy and christine and the french government. they been doing an excellent job of trying some ideas and outreach. the reason why this is particularly import is there is sensitivity among countries not in the g-20. the world bank and the imf work g. 187. we can play part of the role but i think president sarkozy is going to the african union as well. it's critical because i think