seen the preview and the tears from bobby, and it was during that time when he was talking about bobbi kris, talking that the two days the twin the last time he called her and when she went into that coma and she was to come to l.a. their relati especially after whitney past, and they had just turned the corner a little bit. you could just feel the woulda, coulda, shouldas. for any parent to say that they knew that they would have and should have done more as parents, and it was very apparent that it is something that weighs heavily on his heart. absolutely, and he also admitted to you about abusing cocaine and marijuana and other drugs as well. robin: yes, he did not show -- he did not hold back about that. i showed the picture from when they were married. i was not expecting this response, and he did say how happy they were, and he also said that was also the first day he saw her using hard drugs, cocaine, and walked in on her before the wedding, saying that was the first time he had seen her using that type of drug, but he does not shy away i should say he does not make excuses. he is ap