>>> tt whitneyhouston's daughter w we eaowow bobbi kustin powe"a!utopsy rt. scarfourdrugs, what el does th rertrt revl. >>> tonit,t,wyth paltrown matin.`. >> i knowe'e' done i aan unorth^dox y. >>> jennifer'sntttviewew i've goo through strurules both ways. >> findndg faithfter ff plit. >> for thebri here com rcia. >> it's csen. ookingng forheerfect dress as we flashh bacac t her w wddddg dayay. >> my waist was 1 inch. how big is yr ist?t? no marc 4 44h, 26, this istertainment tonighgh." , evevybody. thanks f f joinings the end of anoter b bywe. >> we h have moreigews for y y here is tonht's'sop st was the murdere found at j.'s home? only i talmarcia clark day. a knife apparen fouound at thee rocking hamm estate when delish demolishehe wt's your itial reaction? >> it's a a r%narkakae developopnt ift d deses turn out to be connecteddd the murders o oon andn nicole. j hope t he truthomes o@o@out abt the situation. exe wircrk, letor in simpson's murd trial f)fds it bang >>itigig be a hoax, , mig 0be s smebody whww planed i i i th pnded to find it. >> reporter: th