it's the worst record bobby dexter ever made. he wasn't even bobby dexter then. he was still elmer diggins. hmm, maybe that would make a good souvenir. 55 cents. it's worth a dollar. 65. 70. 80. 90. $1.00. sold. it was a rotten trick, but emmy lou needed the dollar. i sure hope arthur likes the tire. here, try this. (phone rings) hello? oh, no, arthur. (mumbles) what happened? emmy lou: mr. post. emmy lou, we're right back where we started with the tire. if your father won't give you a battery, then i can't, either. well, in that case, you might as well have this hair ring back. i guess your horse wasn't very lucky for me after all. i just can't. you already said no. you don't have to rub it in. see? now my buddy thinks i'm a jinx. maybe you are a jinx. i mean how come arthur's tire blew out and then his battery went dead? why do you guilty people always yell? i am not yelling. me thinks he doth protest too much. well, i'm not going to stand around here arguing with a screwball horse who has no right to be talking in the first place. and you are a jinx. doesn't y