you daydream about how you can blow this whole prison up and kill everybody in it. >> despite bobby ray gilbert'sf violence, both in and out of prison, his fiancee, angel, says when she sees him, she sees a different side. >> i don't look at bobby as a killer. it's just something he did. it's not something he is. >> though gilbert is serving life without parole, angel still manages to find ways to include him in her daily home life. >> these are visiting pictures. people may think it's an obsession, which it's not. i can't see him physically, daily, like joe blow and his wife, you know. i see him on a picture. he's with me, but he's not with me physically. there's more to a relationship than sex. you've got to have trust, respect, good communication, companionship. i have all the above, but i just don't have the physical part. >> but angel wasn't the only woman who has seen gilbert on "lockup," as she is often reminded when she searches his name on the internet. they come out of the woodwork, you know. these women come out of the woodwork, of all ages. just, i'm in love with you. i'm going to, yo