saying -- respond to both parts, what wikileaks at about the peace and what bobby inman said aboutust get it all out now. >> well, to start with bobby inman, he was nsa director from 1977-1981. one reason i called him was that he was nsa director after the senate church committee revealed what many people consider to be abuses by nsa back in the mid- 1970s. that was when thousands of americans were on nsa watchlist, including civil rights activist, anti-vietnam war activist, and so on. so he has -- he was actually in office and worked on the fort intelligence surveillance act, which was the reform imposed in 1978 by congress on nsa. so he sort of has been down this road before. his advice to the nsa, as you mentioned, was to sort of did everything out there, stop the drip, drip, drip of revelations since there are still thousands and thousands of documents that have not been discussed by the media. he said sort of get it out there and try to get this behind you, go ahead and have the debate and decide on what happens from there. whether nsa will take that advice is unclear. it is t