do you remember in 1981 when barry goldwater insisted that bobby inman be the deputy dci and when barry goldwater insured, directly with the white house, that there would be full consultation on the revision of the executive order on intelligence with the bipartisan senate intelligence committee fully staffed to be able ore view the white house -- to be able to review the white house executive order? and do you recall, does that adjust your view of barry goldwater's role? >> these are not pure types, john. there's no such thing as being a -- [inaudible] cheerleader. as a tendency no, it doesn't change my mind. what changes my mind about him is when he finally got into a tussle with casey over the miners in nicaragua, then he became a true overseer. but i grant you your example there. >> and diane, to complete the record of the story can you explain to people what we now know about the source of "the new york times" leak that was not you? >> well, actually, the russell tice had already admitted that he was one of the sources. as i understand from reading i believe james risen has said on