was a member of the university's gospel choir and has performed with big time names including the bobby jonespel show his debut cd was called a natural contrast he is working on his newest release tonight he will be at blues alley the first appearance but joins us now for a preview welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> yeah now this is your first time. >> it is my first time. >> wow >> i have seen other artists perform there, what other artists this is my first time. >> how you feeling? >> excited, nervous but excited i am excited, to share my music. >> right. >> this will be good. >> let me get this out, see trey, tonight, blues alley, don't miss that. >> your journey so far here is r&b. >> yes, my second album i am taking a little more aggressive approach i am a gospel artist but my influence musically has been r&b i want to stay true but have an inspiring message the second album is going to be really really great i am excited about it the music is showing my heart and how much i love god. >> some artists you look up to as far as molding how you present yourself, they do the same things fo