bobby knight joins me now.k was president trump dropping the hammer on director fbi, james comey. he acted very decisively, like a boss. that kind of got his critics riled up. how do you interpret president trumps swift action? >> it seems to me that the office of president of the united states is responsible to have the best people possible in all jobs. all he is doing, in my opinion, is trying to put the very best person there is available possible to be the director of the fbi. i think that is what he is doing at this time. >> jesse: some of the criticism has been rough. i think we're connecticut senator democrat richard blumenthal raising all kinds of hell. >> would you expect the democrats to beach about a? >> of course. >> let's forget about that. we have a guy here that is very tough, very smart, and he loves america. he loves american people. he wants to do everything he can to help america become a stronger tough as we have been in the past. let's look at the last administration for just a minute. that