conversation, i wish we had more time, which i rarely say and talk about debt and debt limits. bobby kogan, senior director of federal budget policy of the center for american progress, and gordon, gray, director of fiscal policy at the american action forum. thank you so much for great conversation. thank you. thank you here. so what's the bottom line here is the paradox growing. the national debt can actually help grow the economy and it can increase the private sector as well. even as the government's debt burden gets heavier. but too much debt can drive up inflation, it can make the dollar lose value, and it can undermine confidence in the future. no one has a magic wand and knows how to balance america's budget no matter what the country's leader say. so yes, america will keep printing money. as for the politicians though, the debate on the debt ceiling is going to go to the break. i think we're probably going to be ok. still, there's always a chance that someone may misstep, misjudge, or misfire. and then things can go downhill and really, really fast. and that's the bottom line. ah,