not bobby molar who hired me to do the landline campaign. nobody from el salvador. didn't ask permission. it's my view of the things in my life that affected me that made me very human but also made me determined to try to help everybody in the world. including myself. i'm not a saint. >> host: what did you tell us in the book about your brother steve? >> guest: he was born deaf in 1947 at the time when a philosophy of teaching the deaf was force them to the hearing world. which meant we were not taught sign. which meant that at the dinner table, for example, pretty much all we could say to him was, you know, pass the salt, you know, things you could point at. it meant that he was really not involved in daily conversations. because, you know, we had very rudimentary homemade -- it also meant as he became more and more ill with what we finally understood to be skit friday ya -- schizophrenia there was no real way to talk about to him what he was feeling. he would get brutally angry. if i think about it too much, and i think i write that in the book, i have a really h