we look at the dealer ldy, dave will attest, we represent like 5% of the dealer bobody. you start looking at the senior leadship positions, so director,,vice president, and it gets really thin. we're probably somewhere in the single digits, right, as well. >> at the executive level i think there's an opportunity issu right? as well as an access issue. because what we've seen from being in the auto industry for i guess collectively for over 20, 30 years, you're looking at people that tend to just bounce back from other manufacturers. and so those abilities to pierce that ceiling for minorities, so to speak, weon't have those opportunities presented to us. that at all connected to helping to almost accelerate the c suite and diversity? does that drive it? >> 100% plus. the whole formation was to bring some awareness to our industry particularly as it represents people of color. >> okay. >> in all aspects, within the manufactururg, car sales, dealers, philanthropic,d agencies, suppliers. and hopefully that the feedback at we received thus far has been very positive thought