lukashenko with ovations, sincerely, and the poles are now starting to say that they closed the bobrovniki crossing point because of poczobut and that information about extremists with belarusian passports was voiced during secret negotiations. wake up, everything was voiced more than a year ago... firstly, he made it clear that the zmagars are nobody, secondly, decisions are made for them, thirdly, if none of the zmagars in belarus are released, then the fugitives will simply be offended, well , that's it, nothing happened, what's next, will you organize disobedience marches in poland or germany, or maybe go through the so-called peaceful march along the main streets of the usa, what will you, an insignificant number of traitors abroad , do now, if... but there is a win-win option, because this is different, you have to understand, with you was yaktenia lebedeva, see you in the next program. july 1941. an atmosphere of general chaos, death, dirt, blood and sweat. the wounded are arriving around the clock, the operating room. is not empty for a minute, from fatigue and lack of sleep, the d